Halfway oblivious to the commercial that was being broadcast on my car stereo, something was said that caused me to turn the dial up a little. I have no idea what was being advertised, nor do I know the name of the man doing the advertising, but I remember clearly his last words. He said that when I go by the place that had paid for the advertisement and purchased whatever it was that they were advertising, that I was to "tell them who sent you." Now, I'm not sure if there was any special deal attached or if this was for there information purposes only, but just by mentioning this disc jockey's name, there would be some sort of recognition given. There was relevance in the mentioning of the name of the one who had sent me. Those that were given the message would recognize the significance, and would respond accordingly.
As Moses realized the significance of his calling, he also was faced with the realization that there would be questions. Questions such as, Who sent you? Who is powerful enough to fulfill these promises? Who is able to deliver us out of the Egyptians hands? Who is going to be the one to provide the miracles it is going to take for us to claim our promise land? Turning to God, Moses asked, “Who should I say sent me?” Every question that could have been asked, was answered when God replied, “I am.”
As David knelt down and chose the weapons that he would need for his impending battle, he reminisced on the day’s activities. He remembered that it was his father that had authorized his journey to search out his brothers, and it was his father that had provided the means for which he had arrived. He also reminded himself that he had the approval of the King. King Saul had recognized him as a warrior for the kingdom and that in itself would have provided him the authority needed to fight. But as he began to walk on that battle field, he recognized the Devine Providence that had brought him to that point. As Goliath threw out his last comments of reproach, David replied by telling the Giant that He came in the name of the one who had sent him.
As Peter and John walked toward the temple, and they passed through the gate beautiful, there was a lame beggar who began to ask them for a offering. Knowing that there was nothing of earthly value that they could offer him, they pulled out the only thing of authority they possessed. They proclaimed the name of the one who had sent them.
The word "apostle" in the Greek literally means, one who was sent. As apostolics, we have been sent by God to this world to offer them deliverance. There will be those that question our authority, and even at times those that question our mission. Enemies of the faith will always question the authority of those that are in need of a miracle. God has equipped those He sends with the authority they need to accomplish the task. If you are given a mission or purpose to accomplish, you will be faced with doubters and nay-Sayers. God wants you to overcome the doubt and confusion by the authority of His name. In other words, tell them who sent you!!!
Rick Perry II
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