Friday, August 24, 2007
Joy For the Journey
Gladys hung up the phone with a sigh and for a moment stood frozen. Then the shock finally forced its way into her conscience and she moaned; “this can’t be happening.” The silence that followed returned her thoughts to the phone call that left her in such fear. Her son was in Jail. The sheriff explained that he was to be detained until all the facts were in, but right now the charges were kidnapping and flight to avoid prosecution.
Her husbands name and his career as pastor at the church, their grandchildren, and their home all were in jeopardy by this travesty. She must call the church and speak to her husband. Quickly, she reached for the telephone, but as her hand closed around the receiver, it began to ring. She jerked her hand away as if it were shocking her, only to feel relief at an opportunity to include someone else in her private nightmare.
“Hello,” she whispered. All she could hear were whimpering sobs on the other end.
“Hello,” she repeated, only louder this time.
“Sister Owens?” The soft voice panted.
“This is she,” Gladys returned.
“I’m sorry to disturb you, but this is Debbie. I’m so sorry; I have some bad news for you.
Anger rose up in Gladys because Debbie was the source of so much heartache in her life. She was her daughter-in-law. She had single handedly stolen their dreams for their sons ministry, ripped their family apart with lies told against them, and dragged their son away from God by vicious behavior directed at the church.
“Can I help you?” She condescended icily.
“Please help me,” she responded hesitantly. “They’ve taken my children away…they’re driving away and there is nothing I can do…please help me.”
All the emotions penned up inside her began to rip her apart. Her love for her grandchildren, bitterness over her son’s condition, obligation to her ministry, her behavior, her husband, “Oh God help us.”
“I’ll be over there in a minute, just hold on till I get there.”
Gladys turned to the sofa and knelt down to pray realizing just how helpless she was against this dilemma. “Father in heaven, help me.”
A door shutting outside in her driveway snapped her back to reality. She gathered herself together and reached for the blinds to see who the visitor was. In the drive was the local florist delivery truck. As she tried to locate the driver, the doorbell rang. Gladys attempted to compose herself and glided over to the door, finally reaching for and pulling the knob.
“Praise the Lord,” the habitual greeting just sort of slipped out.
The embarrassed, squeamish delivery boy reached forward and spoke. “Just sign here.”
As she took the delivery ticket, the driver bent over and handed her the most beautiful bouquet of roses she had ever seen. He quickly turned to leave as she continued to stare at the beautiful arrangement. Standing in the door as the truck left, she turned the card over and read the inscription. “To the most wonderful Pastors wife in the whole world;” it was signed; “the flock of Calvary Pentecostal Assembly.”
She had forgotten that it was her fifth year anniversary. But suddenly, with this reminder, all of her tormented emotions began to realign themselves into proper, eternal perspectives. God was not through working in her family’s life. This temporary collapse might just be the way god will rebuild the future. With that thought she gathered her purse and car keys and headed for the garage. There was a journey she must take to do the Lord’s work and she better get busy.
When news came to King David that the hearts of the men of Israel were after Absalom, he prepared to leave Jerusalem. Many others gathered to flee with him because of Absalom’s vow to take the kingdom from his father. David had won their hearts by his willingness to serve. His anointing had come long before his crowning. He had always behaved himself honorable before God’s anointed leaders. So King David’s leaving was a shame many in the city could not bear. Thousands chose to leave with him. The loyal, the noble and the courageous faced the challenge to begin again, away from their home.
David climbed the hill of Olivet that was across the brook Kidron. He climbed to the top, still in view of his beloved city and found awaiting him saddled asses and provision for the journey. Gifts were brought from the servant of one whose life was touched by the mercy of David.
God is ever mindful of our journey. His expressions of love and compassion is evident in every time we become swallowed up in the vortex we call life. As long as we serve Him, His identity presses forth for expression in our needs by providing us with emotional as well as physical strength.
Anytime we face the unknown abyss called tragedy, or our life winds dangerously around our throat, squeezing the breath and hope from us. Somewhere from above will come a wagonload of blessing, loosening the grip and uplifting our vision. Hope remains as well as faith to continue because God is an ever-present help in times of trouble.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Disillusionment; The moment that your expectations or image of a particular dream or desire is shattered by the realization that your high regard for someone or something is false or misled.
When your bubble is popped.
It happens to all of us.
Somewhere along our dreamy path of high expectations, our highly esteemed and revered vocation is disillusioned by the realization that our neighbor, Brother, fellow-servant is not what he should be, or what you thought he was. Maybe he was unethical. Maybe he counseled a saint or disputed a doctrine openly in front of your people. Maybe he spread untrue rumors against you. Took your saints, or turned your friend against you. Maybe he was the cause of your church split. The weight this burden brings to the man of God can sometimes be too heavy to carry.
We need fellowship. We need help to strengthen our hands. We need loyal support. Sometimes the revelation that those we trusted were not trustworthy sends us into a tailspin.
This weight can affect our prayers, our faith, and greatly hinder our ministry. We know this and sometimes substitute busyness, or sacrifice, or distractions that make us forget the feelings while they fester and grow within. Our prayer life grows distant, our worship mechanical, our preaching listless.
So we fire ourselves up with counter weights. We become zealous disciples of philosophies or standards that contradict our opponents. We become ambassadors for renegades who follow the harmonious thoughts and attitudes that embrace our feelings of anger. And before we know it we’re preaching things we really don’t believe. And have a zeal for things we used to shun or avoid. Fire returns to our delivery. Our prayers become as the hypocrite’s. (Thank you Lord I’m not like them.) And our Christ identity becomes our support group’s flag waving.
A balance will keep Christ first and the anointing fresh and pure. The only way to avoid the dangers of counter weights is to pray for them that hate us. Do good to them. Pray earnestly for their souls and success. This will connect us to the lifeline of Christ, and allow us to heal without false weights, and keep our balance. To shift our priorities to any cause other than Christ’s will bring a dearth of the anointing from above.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Escape to the Garden
Let not your heart be troubled; Ye believe in God, believe also in me… With these words Jesus began one of His greatest messages. It has been coined His farewell address and rightly so, for it was here that He takes His disciples from prophecy to exhortation, to a prayer of protection. After passing the mantle of oversight to the Father above, the weight of what He was destined for was lain squarely upon His shoulders. When Jesus had spoken these words, He went forth with His disciples over the brook Kidron where there was a garden. In the mountains of Virginia atop one of the Appalachians, stands the manor of Thomas Jefferson. He named it Monticello for it was a “little mountain” to him. The state of Virginia preserves the estate today in pristine condition. Entering the front door you see so much of the personality of Mr. Jefferson. Although he is remembered as a statesman, it becomes clear that he was an inventor at heart. In the magnificent entry stands a clock that not only kept the time, but by his invention kept the day of the week. He also by his intuitiveness devised a way to connect the wind-ward above the house measuring the direction of the wind to a ceiling instrument beneath. The walls were lined with intricate maps. Through his study other inventions are revealed. The first duplicator ever used that consisted to pulleys and rods that mimic the movement of the writer’s hand. From the parlor to the dining room, from the kitchen to the bedrooms, each place had his signature of inventive thinking. The kitchen was in the basement and connected to it was a tunnel. This tunnel ran the entire length of the home place and was the entry for the servants. At one end a pebbled walkway winds a course through the surrounding foliage, eventually leading to a garden. This peaceful escape was the personal expression of Mr. Jefferson. His hands designed every pathway. He spent hours snipping each hedgerow, planting and cultivating until he reached the desired effect, a place where he could escape the pressures of a birthing nation and the responsibilities of leading where no man had gone before. In middle Tennessee, near Columbia, stands a mission christened with the name “Rattle and Snap.” It was named after the dice game in which the antebellum home was attained. Throughout the home the ugly scars of the civil war could be seen. From war o neglect, from fire to decay, this home survived a bicentennial of history. As you exit through the rear door you can follow another pebbled pathway to another garden. This one was the expression of the family of James Polk. This garden is strikingly familiar to the gardens built years before or after. The manicured hedges, the fountain centered, all expressed peace to the human spirit. From war to catastrophe the families had an escape from the struggle to a place of solace. The garden of Gethsemane, until the entrance of Jesus was just an olive garden. The equipment and tools of the olive pickers remained scattered about in expectation of the next season. But, when Jesus entered there it was transformed to his private chamber. He never dug the soil, or trimmed the hedges, but His personal expression remains even until today. You can walk the pebbled pathways past the same olive trees of two thousand years ago. The smell of olive oil still hangs in the air. Pleasant shadows providing shade from the sun and the peaceful serenity still remain for all who walk there. But beyond the physical miracle of preservation, there appears even a greater miracle, the miracle of His presence. This garden travels with Him. Whenever His children experience turmoil or pain, whenever their world is turned upside down with tragedy or loss, this escape is there anytime you call on His name. What a peace settles over your soul. A miraculous detachment from our struggles is provided for us. You can almost smell the olive oil of healing carried on the breeze of contentment, while feeling the cool shade of protection. Jesus cultivated this garden to his specifications. Each walkway along with every plant was placed by Him so that His children would benefit when they entered there. This all, He provided for you because He knew that you would have to walk through times of trial. He knew that the fires of time would try your soul, painful trials and times of confusion, trials of faith that would carry us to the place of escape. But Jesus teaches His disciples to escape to the garden with Him.
Monday, July 2, 2007
Embracing the vision.
Still and patient, the lofty domicile hunter awaits the briefest motion that will betray the movements of the unsuspecting conquest.
Within his view float the ignoble, predatory and insatiable alligators, heads barely above the surface, floating and menacing as they patrol their self-proclaimed dominion.
Far off the professional fisherman barges carelessly across the wilderness waters, killing as many as they catch by their thoughtless pattern of looking for the trophy, and discarding the rest.
The Eagles interest is fulfilling the need of his nest and protecting his own in the process.
Suddenly there is a piercing shriek. The alligators floating barge tactics stilled, the fisherman’s reel quieted as the unsuspecting meal routinely jumps the surface into the awaiting talons of the noble bird.
The eyes of the eagle see much farther and clearer than most wild birds. They can spot their prey from heights into the hundreds of meters. They just must learn to deal with the distractions of the host of competition.
When God gives the man of God the eyes of an Eagle, they stand as watchman, still and patient, looking for the event or action that will meet the needs of the flock God has entrusted to them.
They often spot the ignoble predatory carrion awaiting the chance to fill their bellies on the unsuspecting innocent, their motivations impure. They see the careless fishermen leaving a trail of the skeletal pieces of the undesired many, because of their callous, selfish agenda.
Our vision at times is distracted by our ability to see far off. We understand what tomorrow holds because we see the predators and uncaring fisherman. But our ministry is not to the multitudes, but the needy. God called us as fisher of men, but also keepers of the flock.
As we sit, atop the wall of the city we have been sent to, we must embrace the vision of those Christ has given us, and not ever be distracted by the tragedy of the times.
The final lesson of priorities given to His disciples was found in John 17: that as Jesus had received from the Father so He desired the same exchange to those God had given to Him. There must be a prioritizing of our purpose and never a neglect of our calling.
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
The Silent Killer
Prov 29:18
18 Where there is no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy is he.
Isa 28:7
7 But they also have erred through wine, and through strong drink are out of the way; the priest and the prophet have erred through strong drink, they are swallowed up of wine, they are out of the way through strong drink; they err in vision, they stumble in judgment.
The hour is bleak. The evening hourglass exposes the final grains of time sprinkling vaguely through the thin vein of empty spaces. Our prayers no longer have the purpose of expected answers because our timetable has a ceiling of confusion and blank perspective.
We are drunk with excess. The evil surfeiting that Jesus warned of has become our arena of life and daily duties. The sacrifices of decades before have become vague articles on file in our archives of ancient history.
The crumbling we feel of foundations secured through the miraculous power of the blood is unquestionably shaking our faith. From standards to landmarks of tradition, every voice is calling from the abyss of distant echoes, our heads turn with wonder at the authors of the noises, knowing the sound is one of confusion and division.
Someone must have the insight and light to lead our future, but the feelings within are being subtly undermined with fear. No one has the vision. We all stand reactively squeezing each contrary sound in hope to find an answer or hope that eludes our view.
Israel experienced this phenomenon; the 400 years of silence caused them to search for a voice of fresh perspective. They chose to have the Pharisee’s write the verbal law into a useable and acceptable perspective, thereby pacifying the need for inspiration and purchasing a fresh look.
Are we doing the same thing with the search for an alley of passing, a shortcut to fulfilling our hopes for quick successes and thus bypassing the need for the frustrating chore of building disciples against the horizon of empty skies?
Are we letting the busyness of materialism and time consuming useless schedules creep up our daily devotions to cover our eyes and hide the needs of a generation that is loosing a battle with evil?
The Lord looked for a man, one who would stand in the gap and make up the hedge.
Our vision is still in the promises and hopes of the certainties of the scriptures. To build upon the “rock” of truth, to teach for a future of prosperity and fruitfulness that will come from the harvest timetable. Our vision only fails because our eyes have slipped from the vision of the Elders who had a mountainous view, where perspective was not obscured by the smog of humanity. They could see far off and understood the power in the purpose of holiness and discipleship. Time was a friend, not an enemy. It only became the crushing force when we no longer could view the purpose and perspective of careful preparation in the field of harvest.
Sowing and watering has a tinpanny sound that accompanies the duties of underlings, and the ministry has relegated itself to the purveying of the magic fantasy called “revival.”
All because of the lack of vision, and an obscured view through the surfeiting of careless hours of wasted time, while the hourglass drops the last grains of sand in the final mound of God’s timetable.
Richard Perry
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Who's minding the store?
Mom couldn’t stand to see the figs waste. She grew up poor and the figs represented something special she could offer on her biscuits. She always thought to keep things on-hand for others, or for special occasions. Even if it was just biscuits and fig preserves, she always considered keeping something for tomorrow.
In heaven God also has things stored. Vials of prayers he turns to when he wants to smell the aroma of His saints reaching for Him. Monuments that stand before him as reminders of lives who need Him, placed where He can remember them and their needs.
We’re supposed to be storing treasures, spiritual things that reap life, returning to us by the law of sowing and reaping.
Our giving has always been investments. Like bread cast upon the waters, we expect it to return not many days hence. We are seeing the passing of a generation like Crystal’s Mom. People who built for tomorrow, storing away for the lean times and a day that the extra they have now would be part of tomorrow’s provision.
God gives us ample opportunity to store away for tomorrow, challenges to store away good things when our lives are simple and answers easy. Each test is a chance to react in love; doing good to them that hate us, serving, forgiving, and even agreeing with our adversaries while we are in the way with them. To store committed prayers, praise that is forced to Him when we don’t feel the inclination, all that we might need later for our loved ones when we need to believe God for a miracle.
But we’re not minding the store.
Peter bragged that he would protect Jesus. Jesus rebuked him and said; “thou savourest not the things of God,” or loosely translated, you’re not minding the things that matter to God.
Every day we could be building stores for the coming hours of temptation. Yet, we grapple with our ego and curse the way that others take because it offends our thinking. But have you ever thought that maybe God is giving us opportunities to store forgiveness and mercy for the dark hour we are yet to face?
But someone must mind the store.
R.A. Perry
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Tell them who sent you.
Halfway oblivious to the commercial that was being broadcast on my car stereo, something was said that caused me to turn the dial up a little. I have no idea what was being advertised, nor do I know the name of the man doing the advertising, but I remember clearly his last words. He said that when I go by the place that had paid for the advertisement and purchased whatever it was that they were advertising, that I was to "tell them who sent you." Now, I'm not sure if there was any special deal attached or if this was for there information purposes only, but just by mentioning this disc jockey's name, there would be some sort of recognition given. There was relevance in the mentioning of the name of the one who had sent me. Those that were given the message would recognize the significance, and would respond accordingly.
As Moses realized the significance of his calling, he also was faced with the realization that there would be questions. Questions such as, Who sent you? Who is powerful enough to fulfill these promises? Who is able to deliver us out of the Egyptians hands? Who is going to be the one to provide the miracles it is going to take for us to claim our promise land? Turning to God, Moses asked, “Who should I say sent me?” Every question that could have been asked, was answered when God replied, “I am.”
As David knelt down and chose the weapons that he would need for his impending battle, he reminisced on the day’s activities. He remembered that it was his father that had authorized his journey to search out his brothers, and it was his father that had provided the means for which he had arrived. He also reminded himself that he had the approval of the King. King Saul had recognized him as a warrior for the kingdom and that in itself would have provided him the authority needed to fight. But as he began to walk on that battle field, he recognized the Devine Providence that had brought him to that point. As Goliath threw out his last comments of reproach, David replied by telling the Giant that He came in the name of the one who had sent him.
As Peter and John walked toward the temple, and they passed through the gate beautiful, there was a lame beggar who began to ask them for a offering. Knowing that there was nothing of earthly value that they could offer him, they pulled out the only thing of authority they possessed. They proclaimed the name of the one who had sent them.
The word "apostle" in the Greek literally means, one who was sent. As apostolics, we have been sent by God to this world to offer them deliverance. There will be those that question our authority, and even at times those that question our mission. Enemies of the faith will always question the authority of those that are in need of a miracle. God has equipped those He sends with the authority they need to accomplish the task. If you are given a mission or purpose to accomplish, you will be faced with doubters and nay-Sayers. God wants you to overcome the doubt and confusion by the authority of His name. In other words, tell them who sent you!!!
Rick Perry II
Friday, June 1, 2007
For Mature Audiences Only
What began as moods and failure to accomodate the basics of marriage had blossomed to hypocrisy; why? The begining of the law was given with the prioritizing of the promises. Leviticus stated clearly to reverance the sanctuary.
The Hebrew origianations of this statement wasn't pointing to the Tabernacle because the tabernacle in the same chapters had its own proactive laws. This could have been stated; "To morally fear the failure of protecting the things of God you have consecrated." Our minds think church, and even the scriptures point to the sabbaths, but, this included so much more in the plans to bless from God.
Marriages are one of God's main focuses to bless our lives. If we neglect to morally fear to protect the bond and union of the marriage, it creates a chasm that God will not walk with us. Later, God stated that to do these things would fulfill the relationship with Him and He would walk with his people, and to neglect?
Defauding a marriage is razor-blade across the throat of love. We cannot change the way we need certain things. Some women have to have a regular confirmation of their value, something a man is not equipped to naturally do. Some men need a regular feeling of a manly shot of championing their home and fulfilling his natural emotion of master and leader.
To defraud one another steals a precious part of natural needs and displeases God. When the woman becomes frustrated and stressed, she begins to demand and expect things beyond her husbands understanding. When the man is neglected, the chasm of love and devotion widens, and his desire to keep, protect and honor is swallowed up in the emotion of resentment.
Sometimes the chasm grows quietly until all love and dedication is washed away in the bitter emotions of self-absorbed neglect. It will eventually turn to the relatonship of God and His people when those emotions are spread outward.
How you treat the things consecrated to God are very important, but nothing does more subtle damage to a congregation as those "unknown" emotions one deals with when they are not fulfilled as a human-being.
Eventually the trouble blossums into a negative energy that affects many. Paul was clear. Defaud not. You do not own your bodies. Simple, huh? The briefest moment of carelessness concerning reverancing this Holy act can destroy hearts and lives for decades.
R.A. Perry
Thursday, May 31, 2007
The Lord's portion.
9 For the LORD's portion is his people; Jacob is the lot of his inheritance.
10 He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept him as the apple of his eye.
11 As an eagle stirreth up her nest, fluttereth over her young, spreadeth abroad her wings, taketh them, beareth them on her wings:
12 So the LORD alone did lead him, and there was no strange god with him.
The process of choosing a portion of anything is only decided by the offerings and variety to behold. Then it is solely chosen by the scrutiny and desire of the one whose choice it is to make.
The hour of Jacobs desert journey records historically one of the most powerfully diverse and historically dynamic times in which humanity displayed both intellect and creativity. The Egyptian Dynasties had developed into the scientific and military superiors of the world. The Persian kingdoms were thrusting their religious fervor throughout the known world. Even the mountainous Gutians and Hittite raiders shook the Euphrates valley with complete social upheaval.
But on a journey of a lost identity, Jacob, awoke everyday wondering if his supplanting had banished him to a future of loneliness and familial heartache.
The Eagle stirs its nest only when it wants to drive its inhabitants out of the comfortable place of ease. Natures plan clearly chooses a time for leaving and fending for themselves, away from the cushioned, well fed place of comfort to the learning curve of maturity.
Then the mercy of momma eagle causes her to spread her wings and descend beneath the falling, untrained eaglet. She will then capture the falling chick by letting the weight fall upon her wings and bearing it on a journey of discovery.
We stand before the epic of human invention. With video effects, electronic wonders, and even wonders of information becoming available to every simple dreamer, our perspective of successes has caused us to dream fantastic dreams. We venture well beyond our limited abilities to believe for ambitious successes in souls and symbols of affluence with benchmarks that regale our name among those who whisper amongst themselves of “powerful men of God.”
Alas; if we would all truly reflect on the great times we’ve had with God, it was when He stirred our world, shook us and separated us from the security of it, and then bared us on His wings.
God is not interested in the scientific marvels at our disposal. He is not impressed with the numbers and our abilities to trumpet our prowess. His portion is the hungry heart for Him who needs a divine experience on the wings of an eagle.
One afternoon around Jacobs well, God found another Jacob to love and help. His disciples returned from their quest for food from the city. They stood there with their offerings of meat and delicacies, breads and drink and after a moment of choosing, the Master turned to them and said; I have meat that ye know not of.
He had already had His portion.
R.A. Perry